Thursday, December 3, 2020

Getting started with C language.

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Getting started with C language.

In this blog we will learn basic of c language like how to take input,how to print output etc.These are very basic things that every student should know before moving on.

I will explain all these thing with very basic example,which is easy to understand.


int main()


int a,b,sum=0;

printf("Enter first number");


printf("Enter second number");



printf("Sum of two number is %d",sum);

return 0;



This is a simple program which takes two number from user and print their sum as a result.

  1. #include<stdio.h>

In programming language we call it as a header file.This header files includes all information required to carry out our particular program.

Like in our case it is included because we need to take input from user and print output.


    2. int main()

This is a function don't worry we will learn it in depth here just remember it that it is simply a function.


    3. printf();

This statement is used to print  information on screen.Like in our case it is will print Enter first number.


    4. scanf();

This statement is used to take input from user.In our case it will take input from user as an integer.


    5. sum = a+b;

I don't think this statement needs any explanation.This is a simple arithmetic operation.It will store sum of a and b into sum variable.


    6. Finally it will print sum of two number as a result.


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