Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Learn programming for free

Learn programming for free

Welcome to learn programming for free. In this blog you will widen your knowledge from fundamental programming to advance web development.All tutorials has been created by keeping in mind from user prospectives.As we all know we are living in computer science era.Computer has become an integral part of our life.Computer are being used in all sphere of life ranging from home automation to aerospace science.So now comes to point in this blog we will discuss following topics in depth.

1. Programming

This is fundamental part that every computer science student should know before moving to advance topics in computer science. In this part of course we will discuss the fundamentals of programming language. We will discuss C/C++ programming language.

But wait !  till now we haven't discuss what is a programming language. Like we human being understand a language likewise to communicate with computer we should know programming language. Basically program is instruction given to computer to perform a specific task. For example we want computer to calculate what is 2+2 for us. So to do that we should give instructions to computer to do the same.

I hope now you all are aware from what a program is

Like we human being understand different languages there are different programming laguage also. But in this course we will basically discuss C/C++programming language in depth. C is superset of C++.Don't worry we will discuss in depth all concepts.

2.Data structures and algorithms

Now moving forward we are now in a position from where we can now move to advance concepts of computer science i.e data structures and algorithms. Here we will discuss all fundamentals of data structures and algorithms from basic to advance. This is also something that every computer science student should we aware of. Now we are in journey to learn advance concepts.

3.Web development

Since we are now comfortable with fundamentals of computer science now we are in our journey to become a full stack web developer. Before knowing what is a full stack web developer or what work a full stack developer does,we should know what is frontend and backend

What is frontend?

Let's understand it with very simple example we all are aware from facebook,when we type facebook.com in our web browser it redirects us to official website of facebook.Where it wither tells us to login or signup.This is frontend part of facebook.So basically frontend part communicate with clients. The part which communicate with client is called as frontend part.

What is backend?

Let's continue with our facebook example while we enter our details like name,email,password. We must imagine where all these data goes. All these data gets stored inside a database. So that again when we logged in, facebook can authenticate a valid user and must identifies every user as independent identity.

So this part come into playing with data. This is what a backend developer does.

So know i hope you all must be aware from frontend and backend part in brief. Now come to our main topic we should now in position to know what is a full stack we developer. So a developer which can handle both frontend and backend part is called as a full stack web developer. This is what we will cover in this course.


Knowing only theory part is not enough we must know how to implement them also .So in this part of the course we will discuss programs on different topics to strength your theory concept.

Hoping to see you again in this course again

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